Virginia (VA) Property Tax Info
Property Tax Rank in US (best =1) | 32 |
Corporate Tax Rank in US (best =1) | 14 |
Sales Tax Rank in US (best =1) | 11 |
Effective Real-Estate Tax Rate | 0.80% |
Is Personal Property Taxable | Yes |
Virginia State Website | |
Capital | Richmond |
Largest City | Virginia Beach |
Largest Metro Area | 1,728,733 |
Important Dates
For Real Property
- Virginia Property Tax Filing Deadline May 1
- Virginia Property Tax Appeal Deadline 15 days after assessment notice is mailed.
For Business Personal Property
- BPP Filing (Rendition) Deadline Before May 1 (may vary)
- BPP Appeal Deadline Statute of limitations to amend returns is three years
Virginia Property Tax Rate
Homeowners in the state of Virginia pay property tax rates that are well below the national average of 1.07%. In fact, the state’s average effective property tax rate is just 0.80%, which falls in the bottom half of the nation.
With an average effective property tax rate of 0.80%, Virginia property taxes come in well below the national average of 1.07%. Since home values in many parts of Virginia are very high, though, Virginia homeowners still pay around the national median when it comes to actual property tax payments.
How does Virginia’s Property Taxes Works?
Virginia Property taxes in are calculated by multiplying a home’s assessed value by its total property tax rate. Assessed value is determined by local assessors on regular two- to six-year cycles. By state law, cities are required to reassess every two years and counties every four years. Smaller cities and counties (less than 30,000 and 50,000 people, respectively) can vote to reassess every four, five or six years.
Tax rates in Virginia are calculated by local governments, including counties, cities and special districts like sanitation districts. They are calculated per $100 of assessed value.
Home values are quite high in Virginia, though, so homeowners here often pay annual property tax bills that are much more in line with national marks. In parts of Virginia, such as Alexandria City and Fairfax County, median home values surpass $500,000 and median annual property taxes exceed $5,000.