Alaska (AK) Property Tax Info
Property Tax Rank in US (best =1) | 25 |
Corporate Tax Rank in US (best =1) | 26 |
Sales Tax Rank in US (best =1) | 5 |
Effective Real-Estate Tax Rate | 1.20% |
Is Personal Property Taxable | Yes |
Alaska State Website | |
Capital | Juneau |
Largest City | Anchorage |
Largest Metro Area | 399,148 |
Important Dates
For Real Property
- Alaska Property Tax Filing Deadline Varies locally
- Alaska Property Tax Appeal Deadline Jan-Apr, Within 30 Days of Assessment
For Business Personal Property
- BPP Filing (Rendition) Deadline Usually Feb 15 - Left to Discretion of Tax Jurisdictions
- BPP Appeal Deadline March – April. Varies by jurisdiction
How much is property tax in Alaska?
The average effective property tax rate in the state is 1.18%, which is 0.11% higher than the 1.07% national average. Homeowners in Alaska benefit from the state’s otherwise taxpayer-friendly environment. There are no income taxes in the state, and full-time state residents receive an annual dividend check from the state’s “permanent fund.” In recent years, the dividend has ranged from $800 to over $2,000, effectively offsetting some or most of the property taxes paid by Alaskan homeowners.
Alaska Property Tax Rate Info Records
Alaska Property tax rate are in administered entirely at the local level. Boroughs (the equivalent of counties) and cities assess property values and apply rates to fund local government functions and school districts.
Many cities in Alaska do not levy any property tax. However, the largest cities, including Anchorage, do. Average property taxes in the state are a bit higher than the national average property tax. The average effective property tax rate in Alaska is 1.18%, while the U.S. rate is 1.07%.